Some provinces and cities are slowly reopening businesses after quarantine. In Toronto, we are expecting businesses to resume by the end of month while stores can be reopened already by next week. We are excited to see things are getting better and hopefully this pandemic will be gone very soon.
Schools may not have an expected reopening date yet, but we should get ready to prepare for reopening soon. Here’s what we should expect and get prepared for a different life when school resumes after quarantine.
What can School do?
There are other cities and countries around the world reopening schools soon with very strict rules to prevent transmitting of coronavirus. Here are some of the rules that we can learn from when our schools resume in Canada:
- Front facing seat arrangements
- Avoiding face to face interactions between classmates by having all kids facing to the front while having 6 ft distance between rows
- Lining up at school
- Social distancing for lining up to washrooms, school bus, and any other activities
- Flexible school hours
- Separating students into groups for school start time, break time, and finish time
- Checking on everyone
- Daily monitoring of body temperature on all students, teaches and workers
- Masks on at all times (even riding on school bus)
What can Parents do?
Life has changed since school closure and being quarantined at home. By this time, the kids should have a good understanding of the importance of hand washing. However, kids tend to forget these things when we are not around. We should use these few weeks to continue training them on:
- Hand washing for at least 20 seconds
- Social distancing of a minimum 6 ft
- Wearing & disposing a mask properly
- Replacing hugs/handshake with distanced greetings
- No sharing of things (Label your items)
We are glad to see daily cases have been dropping across the country in Canada, so please make sure to stay home if you find yourself or your kids to have any symptoms of coronavirus or fever, even after the schools reopened.
These actions can be a little bit extreme, but we are better to be prepared than sorry. Hopefully, these are only short term actions that need to be put in place before we are seeing zero cases around the world. Stay healthy and hope our life can be back to normal very soon!