The weather is getting nicer and Easter weekend is just around the corner. What can you do at home for Easter this year? It is the 3rd week that we are staying home with our little ones and following social distancing, which means Easter activities will be hosted at home. LabelBubble is sharing with you some ideas to keep the holiday spirit up and your kids busy during the Easter long weekend.
1. Preparing Easter Eggs
Dollarama and Walmart are listed as essential services and you can still get some plastic eggs at a budget. You can also make your own eggs with the real eggs, but remember to boil them instead of using raw eggs.
You can enjoy decorating the eggs with your little ones with stickers at home or use markers to draw faces on them. If you happen to have food colouring at home, there are some great ideas to dye the boiled eggs too, such as using string to wrap around it before dyeing the eggs, using tape to dye out different colours and layers.
You can always put some bigger plastic eggs as decoration to your front yard and save the smaller ones for egg hunt.
2. Easter Art & Craft
There are many free printables online that you can find online with the theme of Easter. Here are some we found that you can easily print and colour them together with your kids before Easter.
You can decorate the pinwheels to the front and/or backyard and put up the coloured egg pages on the window for other kids to hunt them when they are out for a walk. We may not be able to do an egg hunt at a park or a farm when we are following the social distance for our health safety, but it would be a fun idea to have “Window Egg Hunt” in the community.
Our community is having a weekly window counting game for the kids, so they have something to look forward to during their walk. This could be something to initiate within your neighborhood too.
3. Easter Egg Hunt
On Easter day, it’s the tradition for many kids to do an Easter egg hunt. Unfortunately, all parks are closed in Ontario (most in Canada) due to social distancing and we wouldn’t be able to have an egg hunt at parks or have gatherings with friends this year.
No worries! Large or small backyard, we can always hide the eggs underneath patio cushions, inside the plant pots, watering can, etc. For younger toddlers, it would be easier to just throw the eggs on the ground for picking and I bet they will still have so much fun. If a backyard is not a choice at your home, a living room egg hunt is definitely fun too! It is actually easier for us, the parents, to hide the eggs indoors.
Let’s count the eggs and get a reward! Feel free to prepare some Easter chocolates or cookies as the reward for finding all those eggs.
4. Story Time
Besides all the fun activities, the kids should have an understanding of the story behind the Easter holiday. No matter what your religion is, we are blessed to have a day off to celebrate the time with our little ones. Let’s spend an hour or so to let them know why Easter is called Easter, the reason we are having this holiday, and what Easter eggs and Easter rabbits represent in the traditions.
It’ll be boring to read out of the bible to the kids and explain Easter to them. There are many YouTube videos that are made for kids in cartoons to explain the holiday to them.
5. Easter Egg & Spoon Race
What else you can do at home with less effort? This one is a great idea! You only need two spoons and the eggs that you prepared for egg hunt. Once the egg hunt is done, let’s reuse the eggs and do a race with the little ones. Each person holds onto a spoon with an egg on it and races to the finish line. If you dropped the egg on the floor, you’ll have to restart from the beginning line. First one hits the finish line without the egg falling onto the floor wins!
You can always make it harder to have the route from the dining room, turn to the kitchen and to the living room.
Feel free to share with us on some great ideas to do during Easter for the kids at home. We are all trying to entertain them as much as we can during this difficult time. Stay healthy and remember to stay a social distance of around 2 meters when you are out doing essential shopping and out with a walk around the neighborhood.